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Wingo Bird Repellent 300ml each

Wingo organic bird repellent is a powerful, easy-to-use solution to keep birds away from your property. Apply a small amount on posts, rails, or rafters, and birds will avoid the area due to its odor and taste, which are unnoticeable to humans and animals. Perfect for protecting machinery, patios, gardens, and more, Wingo ensures birds stay away without harming them. Safe, effective, and versatile, it's the ideal choice for bird control.
As low as $34.65
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  • Eco-friendly bird repellent
  • 100% safe for humans and animals
  • Long-lasting
  • Cartridge fits a standard caulking gun
Wingo™ organic bird repellent is a wonder. Spread a small amount onto a post, rail or rafter, and presto - no birds! This stuff really does work. Birds just stay away. Wingo works by way of an odour and taste that is repellent to birds of all kinds, but is completely unnoticeable to humans and all animals. If you have birds messing all over your machinery - just spread some Wingo in a couple of places. They will stay away. If they are nesting in the rafters - just spread a small amount of Wingo here and there. They will disappear. If they are perching on your dairy rails or pipelines - just apply a few small spots of Wingo. They will be gone. Ducks pooing on your patio - put a little Wingo in a small dish. That will end it. Birds stealing your tomatoes - try a few little trays of Wingo on the ground near them. Even put it in a tree!

Wingo is not particularly sticky. It can be cleaned off fairly easily, when required. It seems to last at least one summer nesting season. Maybe more. There is no need to over use it. Animals do not seem at all interested in Wingo, and so leave it alone. Weather does not seem to have much effect on it. A good idea to save any post-use cleanup is to firstly apply some masking or duct tape, then put the Wingo onto the tape.

Wingo is approved in NZ by AsureQuality for use in dairy, food and beverage premises. Wingo is made solely from plant-based ingredients. Even water runoff from Wingo-treated areas is safe to drink. So for a completely safe and bird-friendly repellent, use Wingo.

Where to apply the gel?

Pick strategic spots where birds land, nest or enter the building.  It’s not necessary to totally coat the length of the roost area, as the cinnamon smell permeates a reasonable distance, alerting birds to the presence of the gel.  Instead, choose specific posts such as alternate ceiling joists, corners of the building or the top of alternate fence posts.

How to apply the gel?

  1. Choose the spot where you want to apply the gel
  2. Clean the surface of dust, flaking paint, bird droppings or other debris
  3. Dry the surface if wet
  4. Cut stopper on cartridge and screw nozzle back on to the cartridge
  5. Fit Wingo cartridge into a caulking gun (or similar glue gun device)
  6. Apply a length of tape to protect the surface and allow for easy removal of the gel
  7. Squirt a zigzag or spiral of gel onto the required surface
  8. Apply similar squirts approximately 30-70cm apart to cover a large area

Wingo is equally effective when used in exposed areas eg. Tree bases, branches or exterior fences, but will need to be reapplied more frequently as the gel will deteriorate after long-term exposure to harsh sunlight, wind and rain. We recommend reapplying every 6-8 months in these areas.

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