Why is Colostrum so important?

Cows do not transfer antibodies across the placenta like other mammals. Immunity for calves comes from colostrum and is absorbed across the gut. The gut starts closing once the calf is born, hence the first 24 hours are crucial. A newborn calf can absorb large IgG (antibody) molecules, BUT from birth that calf gut starts to close and at 12 hours old it is unable to absorb large IgG molecules and at 24 hours the gut is closed.

FPT (Failure of Passive transfer) occurs when a calf does not get enough quality colostrum and therefore transfer of antibodies. If you are not sure, calves can be tested at 7 days old via a blood test.

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If a calf does not feed from its mother, it ideally gets quality colostrum within 1-3 hours for antibody transfer, to avoid FPT. Why? When a calf does not get enough antibodies, it can get sick, potentially die, and not grow or produce as well. It will also take up a lot of resource at an already busy time.

It is recommended that you test cows individually for colostrum quality (brix), using ‘test buckets'. You can then separate out Gold (A+/22%+) colostrum and store in the fridge or freezer for future use.

To ensure maximum antibody protection is given to new-born calves, 2-to-4 litres of good quality colostrum should be fed in the first 12 hours of life. Colostrum quality can vary significantly between cows. A BRIX-scale refractometer (page 25) enables you to accurately and quickly assess colostrum quality. A refractometer is easy to use - After checking calibration of the instrument with distilled water, two drops of the colostrum to be tested are placed on the glass prism. The instrument is then aimed towards the light and the colostrum level is read off the internal scale. Readings above 22% indicate high-quality colostrum gold.

Don't have 22%+ colostrum? Just use the best you have - for every 1% increase in the Brix%, the odds of FPT decreased by 33%.

Brix can also be used to indicate:

  • Very high brix = the cow has not calved OR has milk fever or mastitis
  • Very low reading = it has likely fed a calf

The three Q's of Colostrum

  1. Quickly - within 3-6 hours
  2. Quality - 22+ brix or the best you have
  3. Quantity - 10% of bodyweight in 2 feeds


Hygiene is also very important as bacteria affects the absorption. Bacteria bind to the antibody molecule and are too big to absorb across the gut. They can also sit in the pores of the gut and block absorption.

Contamination can come from multiple sources for colostrum storage and handling, so we recommend:

  • Scrupulously clean test buckets (hot soapy water to remove fat residue) and storage containers, and use lids, labels for date and quality.
  • Feed, refrigerate or freeze colostrum within one hour of collection. High-bacteria colostrum needs to be used sooner and very clean colostrum can be kept longer. Colostrum is best stored in the fridge or the freezer.
  • If storing in the fridge, only keep colostrum for 4-7 days. After that, quality declines. Be sure the refrigerator is cold (0-4 degree C) to reduce the onset of bacterial growth. Using a preservative, such as potassium sorbate, will stop bacterial growth and extend the length of time colostrum can be stored, up to seven days.
  • Keep frozen colostrum for six months or less. While not everyone agrees on how long frozen colostrum can be stored without damage to the antibodies, most researchers agree the six-month mark is safe. If freezing colostrum, it is a good idea to use bags with a label of date and quality, that will stack neatly, and the increased surface area of the bag will rapidly cool and thaw the colostrum. Freezing will stop bacterial growth however it will not decrease the bacterial counts that are already present when put into the freezer.
  • Thaw frozen colostrum with warm water or a pasteuriser. The main concern regarding thawing frozen colostrum is to thaw the ice without degrading the immune proteins. Colostrum is best thawed with warm (not hot) water. Add more water to the bath as the frozen colostrum cools down the water.
  • Cleanliness is key. Whichever way you chose to store colostrum, the basic principles of cleanliness still apply. Milk cows and store colostrum in clean buckets. Transfer to single serve containers or bags that you can write the date and quality on. In conclusion, storing colostrum in the fridge or freezer provides you with flexibility to ensure that a newborn calf has high quality colostrum available within hours of birth. The refrigerator can store colostrum for a few days, while the freezer can effectively store colostrum up to six months. The advantages of storing colostrum in the refrigerator or freezer, or some combination of both is to ensure there is always colostrum available on your farm.

Recent recommendations from Dairy NZ

  • Feeding milk twice daily for two to four weeks, allows the calf to consume and digest adequate amounts of milk, and therefore energy to maintain good health and growth
  • Adlib feeding systems also provide these benefits while conserving labour. Automatic rearing systems allow calf to choose when and how often they feed, mimic natural behaviour of a calf on a cow
  • Properly managed automated system have been found to reduce nutritional scour or non-infectious scours and the need for additional labour

Herd Test Bucket Clear Colostrum 32L

Our bright yellow Colostrum Collection bucket makes calf rearing easy. Clearly marked as ‘Colostrum Only,’ it allows for easy viewing of milk quantity and color. Brix test and milk directly into the 32L bucket to avoid contamination.

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Antahi Digital Refractometer

Accurately measure colostrum and serum IgG levels with our fast, portable digital refractometer. Eliminate subjectivity with automatic temperature compensation.

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Refractometer Colostrum Dairy/Equine

Test colostrum quality easily with the BRIX-scale refractometer for high-quality antibody protection in foals/calves. Comes with sampling pipette and instructions.

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Trusti Colostrum Bags

Trusti Colostrum bags provide the ideal method for readily supplying high quality colostrum to your calves, lambs, kid goats, foals and other species. They enable quick cooling, storing, rapid thawing, direct hygienic feeding from the bag and also safe pasteurisation.

Key features:

  • Reusable bag AND a reusable Tuber
  • Benefits of a bottle and a bag
  • Large cap for easy filling
  • Transparent side – easy to clean and see volume
  • Superior strong handle – can be hung, carried, stored
  • Sizes: 4L, 2L, 1L, 0.5L
  • High quality feeding accessories
  • Pasteurise and quick thaw in Trusti Pasteur Pro
  • Buy in 10x, 50x, or 100x packs
  • Designed to be used 5x
  • Stored flat for quicker thawing

How to maintain quality:

  • Hygiene - Clean and sterilise equipment
  • Fridge - 3 days unpasteurised, 8 days pasteurised
  • Freezer - 6 months storage - Bags are best for fast freezing and thawing
  • Pasteurisation - 60 degrees for 60 minutes for colostrum needs to be accurate temperature
  • Colostrum management system makes it easy!

Antahi 4L Trusti Colostrum Bags x 10

Antahi's Trusti 4L Colostrum Bag Pack offers superior calf care with reusable bags that feature easy-to-clean, durable design, large spout, and pasteurization-friendly four-liter capacity. Compatible with award-winning Trusti Tuber and Flexi Tuber calf drenchers. Thermal insulation sleeve and feeding rack accessories available seperately.

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Antahi 4L Trusti Colost Bag x5+Teat+Tube

Get superior calf care with Antahi's Trusti Colostrum Bag Starter Sets. These sets include 4L reusable bags with a transparent side for monitoring colostrum levels, large spout for effortless filling, and innovative air-drying design. Supplied with the award-winning Trusti Tuber calf drencher and peach test for easier and safer calf feeding.

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Antahi 2L Trusti Colostrum Bags x 50

Experience premium calf care with Antahi's Trusti 2L Colostrum Bag Pack—50 reusable bags with a transparent side, large spout, and innovative air-drying design for efficient storing, thawing, and pasteurising. Attach the award-winning Trusti Tuber and Flexi Tuber calf drenchers for fast and safe feeding.

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Trusti + Flexi Tuber

The kindest, easiest, safest, and fastest tube feeders on the market for feeding & drenching.

The difference between the Trusti and Flexi Tuber is the mouthpiece design. Both mouthpieces are designed to be easily held in place with one hand. The Trusti Tuber has a circular guard which sits against the muzzle in a position similar to a baby’s pacifier. The Flexi Tuber mouthpiece has a soft cross-bar which sits in the corners of the mouth, similar to that of a bit on a bridle. The cross-bar also has high wings to keep the mouthpiece central and has the option of using a head strap to secure it in place.

Advantages of Trusti + Flexi tuber

  • Calf can swallow naturally
  • Risk of airway insertion is minimised
  • Low pressure on airway during feeding
  • Avoids scratches, bruising, pressure points
  • Teeth cannot damage the tube – no sharp burrs, stays smooth
  • Calf is comfortable – 9/10 do not struggle
  • Easier to use
  • Safer in heavy/inexperienced hands
  • More versatile
  • Larger size range
  • Bloat relief

Prior device problems

  • Calf cannot swallow naturally
  • Airway insertion is a risk
  • Pressure on airway during feeding
  • Scratches, bruising, pressure points
  • Teeth damage the tube – create sharp burrs
  • It is not a straight line from the mouth to oesophagus!

Antahi Flexi Tuber Starter Pack

Introducing Flexi Tuber - the award-winning, farmer/vet-designed calf feeder for safe, stress-free transitions between fluid & teat feeding. Prevents bruising, promotes calf well-being & comfort. Suitable for weak calves, tube feeding, rehydration, & bloat relief. The Flexi Tuber ensures a gentle process, avoiding harm to the calf. Starter kits include 4L bottle, teat cap and drench probe. Replacement drench probes available.

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Antahi Trusti Tuber Starter Pack

Trusti Tuber is the award-winning, farmer/vet-designed calf feeder for safe, stress-free transitions between fluid & teat feeding. Prevents bruising, promotes calf well-being & comfort. Suitable for weak calves, tube feeding, rehydration, & bloat relief. Now available in standard size and extra-small for dainty calves. Starter kits include 4L bottle, teat cap and drench probe. Replacement drench probes available.

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Antahi Trusti Tuber XS Starter Pack

Introducing Trusti Tuber - the award-winning, farmer/vet-designed calf feeder for safe, stress-free transitions between fluid & teat feeding. Prevents bruising, promotes calf well-being & comfort. Suitable for weak calves, tube feeding, rehydration, & bloat relief. Now available in standard size and xtra-small for dainty calves. Starter kits include 4L bottle, teat cap and drench probe. Replacement drench probes available.

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Antahi Trusti Attachment for 4L&2L Bags

Trusti Tuber Award-winning calf drencher probe designed by vets and farmers. Prevents bruising and injury, reduces calf stress, and promotes well-being. Flexible tube and safety tip prioritize calf safety. Compatible with 4L and 2L Trusti Colostrum bags. Available in standard size (aqua) and xtra small (purple) for calves under 25kg.

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